Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last night of April

I'm looking for a room to rent in Stockholm, and after five attempted scams I've decided to leave craigslist out of it and focus on other websites. One was a missionary reverend who was moving to Florida with his wife and leaving his house and furniture and everything he owned in Stockholm, and was willing to rent it out for close to nothing a month, after a significant security deposit had been transferred to his account. Another one, was talking about her family lawyer drawing up a contract, also after she'd received a transferred security deposit and when I said I wanted to meet first she stopped contacting me, the third and fourth was the same address as the second and I can only assume the same person as well, although she'd changed her name and situation of course. And lastly a person was out of the country working with HIV people and couldn't meet with me, and he didn't want to involve any agency, but if I transferred the security deposit and rent to him he would mail me the key to his apartment... yeah.

So craigslist is off the table.

I'm going to check my email now and see if Ana's written to me about the meeting she was going to. And then I'm going to hit the shower and go into town for coffee. It's a pagan holiday today, people are lighting bonfires and getting drunk. We're all worried about my little brother, because he's hanging out with friends and one of them is getting booze from his dad to share with his friends. Not good. They're too young to be drinking. And the last day of April is not a good night to be starting with the bonfires and the canal... guess I just have to trust some sort of good judgement has rubbed off on him after he came to talk to be about it last night and that his guardian angel is with him.


Unknown said...

craigslist is dangerous, if you read the news. There's a reason why they seem to only pin things up for female actresses. (Men aren't good enough to kill?)

I've also never been to a bonfire before.

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

I saw several yesterday! and yeah, I'm definitely staying away from craigslist from now on..