Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Here we go again.

So my significant other, or at least as close as I'll get to it, my darling Cesar, is starring in RENT in Vancouver at the moment, the premiere has come and gone, and I really wanted to come and see it and surprise him with flowers backstage afterward and all that stuff, and it looked like it might become a reality for a moment because my dad offered to pay for the tickets, originally he was even going to come too, but then we got cramped for time, so I was going to go by myself and then we couldn't find tickets at the last minute that my dad could afford, so the whole plan just sort of deflated...

But I hear it's amazing (if you're in Vancouver you should go and see it, it's at the Playhouse, I believe, it should be advertised...) and it's getting good reviews and of course Cesar is having the time of his life, because he is literally living his dream right now, and I couldn't be happier for him (I just wish I could be there and share it with him!)

Well, on this side of the world, I am packing the last of my things (once again, the whole "one bag" notion... tsk. What a fantacy. I'm on box number five at this point.) and tomorrow I will be moving, officially and really, and for good (let's hope so, at least...) I have a couple of days to adjust to my room and the neighbourhood, then I'm meeting my new class for the first time on friday, I have the weekend to learn how to get to school and how to find my way home and where the library is and all that, and then first thing monday, I'm officially a student again!

You know, I think that's the best lifestyle for me... Because unemployment is okay, except for the whole thing about not having any money, and working well... that's just not my thing at all, I've realized, unless it's something creative like working in films, or writing, or painting or something, but there aren't many of those jobs lying around unfortunately.

Oh, and I have tonight to finish my novel as well, my deadline is tomorrow. Heh.


Dear Ida said...

Hugs! I wish you could have been here too!

And It the Presentation House Theater...hahahaha



Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

yeah, yeah, yeah. the number of Vancouverians that actually read my blog is probably one. You. ;)