Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good morning!

I really slept in today, it's one o'clock.. that will make getting up at six tomorrow so much easier!

I really need a shower and coffee, but there's someone out in the kitchen, and it's probably Anette, but it could be her boyfriend or his friend who arrived yesterday for a visit, and I don't want to take my chances.. I'll just wait.

I sleep great in this bed by the way, and this room has amazing energy, I haven't had trouble sleeping since I moved in!


Dear Ida said...

Because it's your energy, and not anyone else's negative energy!

That a great thing!

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

I see your point, but my energy goes negative when I'm surrounded by negative energy, so what came first... the chicken or the egg? Hmm.