Monday, January 05, 2009

limbo 2009

My family's perfected the Art of Awkward Hugs. I just said goodbye to my dad and little brother. They're heading back to the hotel and my mum's driving me to the airport in the morning before they get back, which means I have no idea when I'll see them next... probably some time in the next year.

I'm in limbo right now. I wish I'd just be gone so it'd be done with. I wish I was back in Van having coffee and arguing about script changes with Ana and making up excuses for being late for work. I wish I had my everyday back.

One more night.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwe, that's short and sweet one.

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

yeah, i like to keep it that way when i'm out of my element and uncomfortable, like when i'm forced to have heart-to-hearts and say goodbyes like that...