Thursday, December 10, 2009

Keeping busy!

I'm having a blast at my internship. I'm working as the 2nd assistent director on one of the final films of the 3rd years at Dramatiska Institutet, his name is Hugo Lilja, and he wrote the script and is going to direct it as well. Mostly I've been working with Caroline Holgersson who has been brought in by the school to work as AD. She's really cool. They all are. And the film will probably be awesome to shoot as well, because it's a zombieflick set in 2032. We shoot in February.

And then in January I'll be combining my duties on this project on another internship that I got yesterday working as an editor's assistent on one of the other final films, that is going to be shot in Argentina in January. Hopefully I'll manage to juggle both responsibilities without going crazy!

Today I got "time off" though, since Caroline was busy elsewhere and we didn't have any castings scheduled, so I could stay at home and if something turned up do that from here. But Caroline hasn't called, so I've been working on the treatmeant for my feature-length screenplay all day. I feel energized since I started working again. I think that might have been the root of my down this time, going from the high of shooting. So my solution: keep busy!

I went to the gym last night. I was supposed to go to my Wednesday night yoga session. But spontaneously ended up trying something new instead; it's called easy line, and it was the most fun, and exhausting thing I've ever endured. I ache everywhere today, but in a good way. And I can't wait to go back! I've planned a weekly work-out schedule for myself so that I can combine the harder workouts for condition and muscles of easy line and core with yoga and rest. So on a good week I'll be working out five days out of seven. But in reality I don't see that happening, because I'm supposed to go to yoga tonight, but I got a text from Kalle saying that he was available to edit tonight, so that has to come first. It's okay though, there's another yoga session tomorrow that I could do instead of easy line, and on Sunday as well.

I've been listening to Finntroll all day. That helps keep your mood light too. 


fredrik. said...

fan nu verkar det flyta på! och ackompanjerad av finntroll så måste flyta på vara kanon! :)

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

jajamänsan! nu jävlar! :D

kevin said...

thats awesome! im really glad youre keeping busy! :)

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

haha, thanks! it's a good thing, yeah.. how about you, seems like you're keeping fairly busy too, or am I mistaken?

kevin said...

haha nope youre not mistaken, though alot of the past week had to do with birthday stuff. I went downtown a few days before my bday cuz I had to pick up some cigars i ordered so I called Ana and we decided to meet for lunch. To my surprise about 7-8 people ended up showing up. It was a nice lil surprise. Speaking of her, she called me the other day and asked If I'd wanna help her on a project she's working on so Im gonna go down there in the next week or so and talk more about it with her. i also found a script for a short film I wrote when i was like....17-18 and I liked the concept but its gonna have to get a total overhaul haha. Theres only one problem: WRITERS BLOCK! I can't seem to get over it so I'll just have to be patient.

So Argintina huh? lucky you. I bet youre really excited.

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

Yeah, Argentina! But I don't get to go there, though, so the excitement is moderate in comparison to the people who are actually shooting it, I'm sure!

That's really cool, impromptu and unexpected reunions are the best, and any meetings for that matter! About the writer's block, the best way to get out of it is to stop thinking that you have to write this or that, and I know it's easier said than done, I'm struggling with it myself, but any way to make it fun and silly, like stupid writing exercises stuff like that, because as soon as writing becomes a must, you kill you creativity, I think! I don't know, it usually works for me, once I'm able to let go of that thought.. well, good luck!