Saturday, December 05, 2009

Some irregular streams of consciousness.

I was reluctant to going to Mireya's place yesterday, since I was still in a funk, and the first hour I was thinking of excuses for leaving again, but then I got out of my head and focused on my classmates around me instead and found that I actually enjoy their company, so maybe it's not a completely logical thing to leave it... so I didn't, and I enjoyed myself, and I got out of my funk, and by the end of the night, or in the early hours of the morning, it was just myself, Min, Tobias and Mireya left, and the atmosphere took on a more cozy feel I thought. Min fell asleep on the couch, so we went into Mireya's room instead to continue talking. I fell asleep on her floor and woke up this morning tucked into a blanket. I really liked Mireya's place. And I really like Mireya. Her room mate and friend, who is also her ex girlfriend, seem quite cool too, but we only saw her briefly.

The following paragraph won't make any sense to anyone and is a boring rant about people you don't know who they are:

Min phoned me and just wanted to talk. It wasn't annoying, I couldn't think of much to say, I'm not good at small talk, but I didn't completely panic. She keeps saying she's so happy that we've become so close and she really loves hanging out with me, I think she considers me a real friend. That's cool. And totally unexpected. I didn't think I'd hang out with anyone outside of school, and if I would I expected it to be Mireya and maybe Bam Bam, but so far the ones I've hung out with the most is Anja and Min. And Kalle but that's been fairly centered around work. I had a good chat with Tobbe last night too. He's such a character, but in a very good way!

This social behaviour certainly has its ups and downs. Tomorrow I've got a full schedule of social. First my big brother and his little brat of a daughter (she says in a most affectionate manner... :)) and then Ann-Sofie, and of course as always happens when I catch up with Ann-Sofie I get her whole clan as well, she's invited me to one of her daughter's advent celebration coffee thing, 6th of December, apparently it's a big thing in Belgium and that's where they lived when the kids grew up... but yeah, I get to meet a lot of social and cheery family members as well, which should be fine, her family is great, it's awe-inspiring, I've met them before, and they're so kind and welcoming, I just hope I don't get overwhelmed and zone out, that would be rude...

I'm dyeing my hair red again. The old red faded to a copper and then to an undistinguishable colour that could be really dirty blonde or some kind of watered down orange... I think I'll name it "Rotten Strawberry Cendre"

Soon to be "Fresh Strawberry Awesome"

What follows now is a rant about the movie "Easy Rider" / non-constructively critical review:

Oh, and BY THE WAY... I accidentally bought another DVD on sale for myself when I was getting another couple of DVDs for Christmas presents, and it was "Easy Rider", because I haven't seen it, but it's got Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson, motorcycles, rock music, and it's even written and directed by Dennis Hopper, and it's supposed to be a classic right... well, I started watching it today and I couldn't believe my eyes and ears! It was TERRIBLE! I felt like I'd tumbled down the rabbit hole of terrible tastes and disappointments! I mean, really? Has anyone actually found this movie to be decent? It's a B-movie! The acting is embarassing (I didn't get to the part where Jack comes into the movie, I couldn't stand watching it anymore, and I'm sure he was great as always even in this movie, but everyone else!) the script is, I don't even know... and the whole opening scene before the title sequence, with them snorting coke (and spiking the camera!) what was that? I started fantasizing about that actually being behind the scenes footage that the editor chose to put into the beginning of the movie to excuse what was to follow, because there is no way that this movie was made by sober people. I'm shocked. I'm shell-shocked. I don't know what to say.

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