Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I'm in my parents house in Ljusne right now. It's just Simon and I in the house. We're just about to make some supper. Just thought I'd upload some pictures from his stay with me as well as Christmas Eve at my older brother, Fredrik's place to Flickr, and I thought I'd put a link here, in case anyone wanted to see what my holiday's looked like so far... here you can see Simon's and my preparations for the Big Event. And here is the rest ofthe chaos known as the holidays...

We've pelted past the mountain's edge
like rain splattered over a windshield
It's the twenty-fourth and too grey to care
Unwanted and romanticised memories wafting through the speakers
like poetry on the radio, surely we're dreaming
slipping on the ice, with screeching tires
I meant to write you

1 comment:

kevin said...

looks like you had a nice christmas- and a white christmas I might add...I wish we had one. Not only did it not snow but it was actually SUNNY. Something about a sunny christmas day just doesnt sit right with me. Im not a big fan of the snow but it wouldve been nice to wake up to it. Oh well theres always next year