Monday, December 21, 2009

Dinner and holiday spirits!

I just got back from the dinner, it was lovely. I had longer conversations with three different people that weren't Ann-Sofie (her brother in law, her son in law and either her children's cousin or her children's cousin's husband, I don't remember, but basically the two dads that weren't her son...) as well as minor greetings and pleasantries with every other person present, including the children. So I was quite the social butterfly, and still relaxed. I'm telling you, I'm really getting the hang of this. The food itself was lovely too. The others had lobster, but she'd made me a vegetarian lasagna that tasted heavenly. As well as a Västerbotten pie and a whole bunch of appertizers. All the drinks were really too sweet for my tastes, but of course I drank them anyway to be polite, first champagne, which I've never been a big fan of, then white wine with the main course and this typical swedish liquor called punsch that I've never tried before and really didn't care for at all, but it was sort of lukewarm by the time I tried it and they told me it tastes better ice cold and even then you only drink a few small sips of it, so I guess it's a required taste, but I don't think I see the point in getting used to it, though. I prefer bitter and spicy drinks.

So the little one is coming tomorrow. I'm quite excited. I hope we'll have a good time for at least a day before we start hating each other... fingers crossed that we survive the holidays!

If you don't hear from me again (wow, that sounded more ominous than I intended! I mean, if I don't get around to updating my blog again until after the holidays...) have a great holiday, enjoy the foods and the sweets and whatever company you're in, light a lot of candles and don't forget to put a bowl of porridge out on your porch (for the house gnome)!

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