Sunday, June 07, 2009

Magpie Mentality

I got in, first of all. Those of you who actually somewhat follow this blog probably knows this already, but I thought I'd document this happy occasion anyway. So the 17th of August I'll be a student of the Dramatic Institute and argue about cinematic symbolism and word choices in dialogue with like-minded yet again. I can't wait!

So I move on the 1st of July. I haven't even started packing yet and I get nightmares just thinking about it. All my stuff and my clothes and I'm supposed to take as little with me as possible, and of course that is an actual impossibility in the world of Ida. I have the hunter-gatherer mentality of a magpie, doesn't matter if I should end up on the street with the living area of 1m2 inside a cardboard box, I'd still fill it up with garbage within hours. I can't help it. I need to keep things. Collect things. The first thing I see to when I move to a new place to start over is the location of the nearest library and securing a library card... and yet, I need to own the books I like, I need to have them, all the time, and not have to ever give them back, even if I never end up reading them again, I need them to be mine -- I'm Gollum with books! -- And movies! Speaking of which.. There was a big sale on this swedish movie site and I got these DVDs for barely anything and one of them was Suicide Kings, which is a classic, with both Christopher Walken, Denis Leary and my new obsession Jeremy Sisto, not to mention a whole lot of homoerotic subtext which is always fun. I also that Daniel Craig movie that caused a bit of an uproar in the UK, The Mother, where he falls in love with his girlfriend's mum or something, I haven't seen it yet, but I bet it's going to be great and I got it for 10 SEK (that's like less than a dollar!)

Anyways.. I'm supposed to re-write this script, right. The one for the feature I'm probably doing, and I've been putting it off for over a week now, and I really need to get to it, but I just don't want to!


kevin said...

I said my congrats before but I'll say it again....CONGRATS! I'm very happy for and proud of you!

PS That Gollum remark produced quite a funny image in my head :P

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

thank you!!! :D