Monday, June 15, 2009

Future Brain Storms

I just sent the director an email telling him off. It felt good.

On another positive note, the other day I was trying to convince my dad to read this book that used to be my favourite for the longest time as a kid, "Tordyveln flyger i skymningen" by Maria Gripe (I don't think it's been translated to english, but I'm not sure. I know my second favourite of hers has, it's called "Agnes Cecilia" and can be found in the kids' section at the Vancouver Public Library for those of you in Van...) and as we were talking my mum jumped in and started reminiscing with me about the story (we read it together the first time) and then she said, "I wonder why no-one's made a movie about that one" (they did about "Agnes Cecilia"...) and so when we got home I went online and did some research, maybe there had been a movie but we just hadn't come across (not very likely, and as it turned out, not the case...), maybe the person who owned the rights to Maria Gripe's books wouldn't let anyone make it, maybe no-one understood what a great story this was and what a great movie it would be...

And in my research I discovered that the book was in fact based on a radio play that Maria Gripe had written a couple of years previous to the book and her co-writer was Kay Pollak! So then of course the question naturally evolved from "Why hasn't anyone..." to "Why hasn't Kay Pollak..." and I couldn't for the life of my figure out a the answer, and then I realized, that's not so surprising, seeing as I'm not Kay Pollak...

So I emailed him.

Today he replies, very polite, thanking me for my email and saying how happy it made him to hear I enjoyed the book so, informing me that the radio play will be released on CD after the summer if I wanted to listen to it and then he said, lots of people have wanted to adapt this book into a movie but no-one actually made it that far...

That's all he said. Now, I'm sitting here, thinking... is this a sign? Because I could make a hell of a movie if I got the rights to that story and the resources I would need for the production... maybe an idea for a future projects when I have a couple of independent films on my CV and ca apply for funding from the Swedish Film Institute?


Dear Ida said...

He wrote back? Wow!

Sounds like a plan!

Unknown said...

it's definitely something to have with you for the future :)

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

i wish you could read it, it's a great story, perfect for a kind of mystery family (as in kids and stuff) film :)