Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer in Sweden

I went with my family to our little island (that sounds really luxurious.. it's nothing grand or anything, it's a small island outside the coast that my grandparents got fairly cheap back in the day and it's got a little red cottage and that's about it, very swedish indeed..) and I just got back from a swim in the ocaen (to west-coast people ours is not "technically" an ocean since it's a mix of salt and sweet water or something, but whatever. it's the body of water between Sweden and Finland and it's not a lake or a river..) and now I'm sitting outside, borrowing my brother's laptop quickly and we're just about to kill each other, i.e. play a board game. Today feels like summer. I cut my hair again (or rather I cut some of it and then bullied my mum into cutting the back of the neck.. you can see my tattoo now!)


Dear Ida said...

I've been missing you too! I still talk about you everywhere I go!

The other day I told my work mates that "I was married once"!

They all just looked at me funny, and Alicia, yes she works with me now, well she said oh you mean Ida, and I was like "y e a h"!

Love you,


kevin said...

i'll be expecting pics of the new haircut soon, plus i wanna see how the tattoo looks now :)

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

Cesar: When did we get a divorce? O.O

Kev: Pictures can be arranged, I just need to bully my mum some more so she takes them for me (kind of difficult to take picture of the the back of your own head, believe it or not!)

"Mr. Hefner" aka Kevin said...

pfft i dont know what you're talking about, i take pictures of the back of my head all the time :P

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

....Fine. I will, then. Take a picture of the bacl of my head, I mean. Just you wait and see! :p