Tuesday, June 02, 2009


The recent so-called X-files movie, "The truth is out there", excluded... The X-files is, has always been and will always be my all time favourite television series. I grew up watching it. Every Thursday night (later on it got moved to Friday) we had our family's "Cozy night" (a swedish phenomenon, which is basically an excuse to indulge in the watching of TV and/or movies and the stuffing of faces with crisps, sweets, soda, good and fattening food, etc... and in some cases get wasted...) FBI agent Fox Mulder was my first childhood crush. Triple agent Alex Krycek my second. The show's mythology and universe has been one of my major "obsessions", but to make a long nostalgic tale short and get to the point... As much as I like the episodes towards the end, the growing expectations as the end neared, the calm before the storm that was the War between the alien races and the humans (I refuse to acknowledge the existence of "The truth is out there"!)

But when Skinner shot Krycek square in the forehead... the world sort of stopped... and The X files kept going like nothing had happened, Mulder kept going, Scully kept going, the war was still approaching, the super soldiers were still after William, the world was more dangerous than ever and the truth even more so... lots of good episodes followed and then the show ended. And I felt kind of empty. Like I'd missed something. Krycek had been such an important part of the X Files journey for me, and for Mulder might I add, that to have him die just like that and with no further ado at all or even a silent minute to mark the occasion afterwards, felt kind of anti-climatic...

Being a fan fiction reader and writer, the story of these characters doesn't end because the official story does... if you are unfamiliar with the concept of fan fiction just google it, and you'll find a whole new world out there... careful though, it can become addictive. But for us Krycek fans, there's really only so much you can wringe out of a ghost and a couple of flash backs and for me, at least, that particular fandom kind of faded into the night, just like Krycek's character in the show, and was forgotten...

Then the other day, out of nowhere, an old Mulder/Krycek mailing list I'd suscribed to years ago started popping up in my email inbox again and one fan had this article to share with the rest of us.

Meaning that, even if the makers of The X-files have said good bye to Nicholas Lea and his character Alex Krycek... at least we don't have to just yet! A world of endless possibilities has sprouted, Krycek could have survived the shot, he could be alive, hidden, in exile, back to helping Mulder anonymously in his crusade as war toes the threshold of their existence! (you can tell Real Life is too much for me right now, I'm beginning to soak up alternate universes again... last night I was reading Harry Potter -- something else that isn't the same since the last chapter, or last book in this case, especially the epilogue... I'm in denial about that as well.)

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