Friday, February 11, 2011

Snow day

Okay, so Snow is back, with a vengeance. It started yesterday while I was at work, sitting in my little outside cubicle all by myself, dealing with the occasional "drive-through" customer, that got more and more scarce as the weather got steadily worse. Getting home was a nightmare, but I got here. This morning I wake up to Narnia... and realize getting to work will be a nightmare on the scale of Hellraiser (just watched Hellraiser part 6: Hellseeker for the first time - because: Dean Winters - and it's the only Hellraiser film I've seen, but it was hilarious)

I go onto the SL website to check the traffic, and yes... the commuter trains (I completely made that translation up) are all cancelled, the buses are all unreliable as well as unbelievably late and/or cancelled and the rest of the public transport system, with Tvärbanan (Crossway line) and the tube, is probably up the walls as well, I didn't check those because I take two buses and a train to get to work at this particular place, so I was already screwed.

But it's understandable, I mean, it's not like we ever get snow in Sweden, so of course the the public transit company are going to be unprepared for it... so, I had to call the temp agency and let them know I couldn't make it into work. Part of me is a little relieved, because I feel a cold or something coming on and I wasn't particularly looking forward to heading out in this storm, but at the same time I hate to give up my hours when I really need them and I'm really fit to work, it's just so annoying.

And now I have literally no excuse not to work in my fifth draft, do I...


Anonymous said...

you should at least get out and walk around, the snow is so beautiful. it always helps the writing to experience things you wouldn't do normally. ;-)

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

But that's exactly what I do normally :)

Anonymous said...

well then. :)