Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Just got myself a job interview for a temp agency for personnel working in comprehensive schools and preschools. I talked to a girl from the retail pool I work for who works for this temp agency as well, and she said she always gets work through them and that I'm definitely qualified to apply even though I'm not studying to become a teacher. So my interview is scheduled for Valentine's day, cross your fingers. I'd really rather work in a kindergarten or a school, than in retail. Plus, I think that'll be better for my back as well as my mind.


Anonymous said...

hopefully parents there are less...
hypercritical than they are here.
after spending long hours volunteering
at my daughter's school, i would hate
being a teacher. seems too stressful
especially considering the pay is not so

Unknown said...

job interview on Valentine's day? how romantic! <3 tee hee