Saturday, June 26, 2010

Midsummer's Eve in Stockholm.

Yes it gets hot in Sweden. Min's brazilian boyfriend who is visiting the country right now would and have disagreed with me on this on several occasions already, but everything is relative...

So Midsummer was a success. I had a great time. It was relaxed, albeit too hot at first but then it got cloudy and perfect, we went for a swim in the lake, participated ironically in the traditional Midsummer festivities, well didn't so much participate as join in with a little singing and laughing at participants, but the I entered into the spirit of the thing, especially considering I couldn't find any sun block and for part of the day the sun was scorching... or warm at least...

We had a very random, impulsive get-together with a couple of people at the train stop while we where waiting for the train back into the city as well. They offered us strawberry cake and we offered them red wine in return. We also played frisbee with them and jumped with a long skipping rope. Good times.

Funny anecdote:

On my way home just now on the metro, at half past two in the morning, I'm sitting there, opposite this slightly weird but safe-looking guy in his mid thirties who could have been occasionally talking to himself, but I'm not sure (you never can be these days, what with all the crazy technology like handsfree... haha.)

And with all my make-up washed off, hair all tangled, plus wearing a baggy long-sleeve and jeans shorts... I'm a contrast to the other dolls present, right, and I'm thinking, well at least no-one will bother me, they'll think me a bum or something with my huge VFS backpack and so I put my ipod ear pieces in and crank some Dimmu Borgir...

When lo and behold, this guy plops down in the seat next to mine. In my peripheral I can see that he's turned around to stare at my profile point blank and is attempting at conversation... at first I play unaware, but he's still mouthing in my general direction, so I do the whole, glance then turn and look politely surprised and take one of my ear pieces out and say "I'm sorry what?" (only in Swedish) and then the conversation went as follows:

The guy next to me: *slurring* YoubeentoTanton?
Me: What was that, sorry?
The guy next to me: You been to Tanton?
Me: yyyeah, yes, I've been at a friend's place.
The guy next to me (nods, almost smugly, for a very long time, then...): Hadagoodtime?
Me: Eh yeah, yeah...... Yourself?
The guy next to me: Yeah.

(Pause, with awkward - for me - stearing and possibly leering - from him)

Me: Okay then.
The guy next to me: YougointoTcen?
Me: What was that?
The guy next to me: You going to T-cen?
Me: No?
The guy next to me: Mörby Centrum?
Me: Oh! Yeah. I mean, no, I'm going to Enebyberg, but yeah.
The guy next to me: Really. I wouldn't have guessed that.
The guy next to me: Would've thought T-centralen, that's where you can take all the trains... and the tubes, those too...

Then the guy opposite me joins in: Not anymore you can't, the trains, they stopped running now, I think.
The guy next to me: Really? There aren't any trains anymore?
The guy opposite: I hope so, I need to catch one, I'm going further south- That's great that you guys had fun tonight. I didn't.
Me:...You didn't?
The guy opposite: No, not particularly, no.
Me: Why is that?
The guy opposite: Well the girl I'm interested in is sort of promiscious. And my closest friends have turned their back on me.
Me: Oh... no...
The guy opposite: Yeah, but that's how it goes sometimes, you just have to accept that sometimes you have bad nights out, I'm hoping tomorrow will be better, I'm going to a picnic.
Me: With other friends?
The guy opposite: Yes, other friends, that's right, yes.

The guy next to me takes out his iphone and mumbles something to regain my attention, once again I ask him to repeat himself and he asks me for my number.

Me: Why, what are you going to do with it?
The guy next to me: Dunno. Text you or something.
Me: There's really no point to that, I'm not interested.
The guy next to me: Not interested? In me?
Me: In anyone... I'm already involved, actually.

Speaker's voice: T-Centralen.

The guy next to me gets up to get off the tube, he puts a friendly hand on my arm and says good bye and take care. Meanwhile the guy opposite has also got up out of his seat and is standing there, and waits until the guy next to me has left and then waves good bye at me and says: "Good luck with you relationship" and then he also gets off.

And then I sit there by myself, trying not to laugh aloud and to figure out if that just happened.

And yes, Cesar, I know you think I'm "so mean". Which is complete and utter bollocks of course, I was a true gentlewoman to both those... people. So there.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Midsummer's Eve everyone!

It's too hot. I have the window open on the other side of the solid dark brown curtain that is supposed to keep the light out and only half succeeds and it's still too hot in here. I'm dreading going outside, I'm only doing it because where I'm going there'll be a lake and I'll be going into it and it'll be heavenly. Midsummer's Eve, I'm spending it with Min and Tobbe from my old class, Min's boy toy (just kidding) Pedro who's visiting from Brazil and some of Min's friends from before, we're having a potluck picnic (I've made budget salad for the occasion and will be supplying the the beet's salad, the biscuits and the strawberries as well.) and not to forget, swimming in the lake. My only concern is that I can't seem to find any sun block anywhere. I'm not terribly worried about tanning this year, but I realy don't want to get burns.

Also, I want one of those flashy modern mobiles that takes really good quality photos and can hook up to the internet, because as it is now, my internet access is too limited and I don't have a camera at all, and the whole idea with me even owning a twitter account is just laughable all things considered. Mind you, twitter is rather pointless, with or without an iphone, I think. But any means to remind people of ones existence is vital, and in this day and age, if you don't update you Facebook status, well you might as well not exist. Speaking of which, I'm now following Barack Obama on Twitter. And Jared Leto... yeah.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Between purposes.

So after the second and final screening I went into hiding, or hibernating, for about a week. I skived off the graduation spectacle, and the class brunch, and shut myself in my room and watched movies and wrote a feature length screenplay. I've become something resembling a human being again since then, actually hung out with Tobbe and Min from class two days in a row, and now I'm relishing the fact that I seem to have internet at home again, for however long it'll last.

And I'm also itching to set up a web hosting account and rebuild my website more professionally or at least seriously but that is a very bad idea since I haven't got a job for the summer yet and won't be able to pay next month's rent, not to mention the mandatory get-together with the new class at the new school for the first few days which means I have to get myself from Stockholm to way off somewhere else in the country, pay for housing and feed myself whilst there. I had this half-baked naïve notion that I wouldn't have to get another grant for this year since it's mainly study-from-home and I'd be able to have a job and make some money at the same time, haah, yeah right! Well, to be honest, what with all the buzz at the end of (previous) school and then going MIA for a week, I haven't really had the time to put my back into looking for a job, but I'll get started on that for real first thing monday. But I think I'll apply for a grant for the first term anyway, just in case, and if I do happen to find enough work during that time, I won't apply for a grant for the second term. Not that it matters either way. I'm up to my eyeballs in debt already and there's no way I'll be able to pay it off, so what's another year going to do...

Possible good news on the film front, though. I might have a job on a novella film being shot this summer. Caroline, whom I did the internship on the zombie film with, has asked me to help her out with the casting, and maybe I'll get to tag along for the shoot as well, probably as an extras co-ordinator since that's what I mainly did on the zombie film. And unless they're shooting when I need to be in my new school. I really hope not because I'd really like to come, they'll be shooting at least one scene in London (at Gordon Ramsey's restaurant!) and that's just cool.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Things are coming to a new beginning.

Last night we had the screening at school, tonight we have a bigger one (if more people show up, at least) out in Subtopia outside of town. Last night was weird. My parents, my big brother and my friend Annsofie and her husband came to see mine and Anja's (and the other's) short films, there was a heavy sense of anticipation-mixed foreboding in the air, at least within the class, at least I felt so, like something was about to drastically change and we could all feel it and it made our skins prickle but so far everything was exactly the same so we had to stall or hide our reactions to it, so we were stomping on egg shells and making eye contact like it was nothing and pretending like it didn't feel like it was the last time we saw it others, which it wasn't, but it sort of felt like it anyway. We had a toast and chaotic talk afterward with our professor and mentor Maria, she'd bought champagne, I was listening to the others talk, some tried to keep it light, others wanted to make speeches, Tobbe was drunk, Maria was hard to read as usual but smiling more than ever, I didn't say anything.

Earlier in the day Anja and I went to the screening of the third year's final productions, amongst them the zombie film, although we had to leave before the last film because our photographer sent us a text message and said there was something wrong with the files and she couldn't convert the film from the program to a Quick time, and later we heard that the last film was the best one by far. But at least we got to see the ones we'd been involved in. The zombie film turned out great!

I'm in school again now. Min and I are printing and folding more fliers for the screening tonight. The weird feeling from yesterday is still here. But it's not like I'm anxious about the future, not like before, because I got an email from the school I've applied to for that scriptwriting course for next year and I got in, so I know what my next step is, so it's not like I'll be thrown into an abyss as soon as the doors to the school close behind me.