Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Midsummer's Eve everyone!

It's too hot. I have the window open on the other side of the solid dark brown curtain that is supposed to keep the light out and only half succeeds and it's still too hot in here. I'm dreading going outside, I'm only doing it because where I'm going there'll be a lake and I'll be going into it and it'll be heavenly. Midsummer's Eve, I'm spending it with Min and Tobbe from my old class, Min's boy toy (just kidding) Pedro who's visiting from Brazil and some of Min's friends from before, we're having a potluck picnic (I've made budget salad for the occasion and will be supplying the the beet's salad, the biscuits and the strawberries as well.) and not to forget, swimming in the lake. My only concern is that I can't seem to find any sun block anywhere. I'm not terribly worried about tanning this year, but I realy don't want to get burns.

Also, I want one of those flashy modern mobiles that takes really good quality photos and can hook up to the internet, because as it is now, my internet access is too limited and I don't have a camera at all, and the whole idea with me even owning a twitter account is just laughable all things considered. Mind you, twitter is rather pointless, with or without an iphone, I think. But any means to remind people of ones existence is vital, and in this day and age, if you don't update you Facebook status, well you might as well not exist. Speaking of which, I'm now following Barack Obama on Twitter. And Jared Leto... yeah.


DeathShrike said...

It gets hot in Sweden?

Unknown said...

the sheer presence of summer makes me sweat uncomfortably, but the past couple of days I've been craving bowls of ice cream. haha

and twitter is pointless by I find myself using a lot more, for no real reason, and sometimes I just sit there and wonder if it's just really annoying.. at least I practically don't exist on facebook anymore hahaha