Thursday, October 29, 2009

Keeping busy

I'm getting on the stressed side now... We shoot in less than two weeks, more like one week. But at least we've had some stupid luck in terms of finding stuff quickly; yesterday we went and for an oxygen mask and a tube (like an IV tube) from the doctor's office near the school and the nurse gave them both to us for free and basically no questions asked, and on the way from there to the school in town where we were heading to listen to the producers of the Nordic film competition awards (the Finnish producer was the only one not there, and from Sweden the director was there as well as the producer -- Lars Von Trier, surprisingly, wasn't. But his producer was. And she was rather cool...) and as we were on the metro, Kalle called the number for the junk yard thingy for cars on death row whatever that Azigza had found and he got another number to call, and that guy said, Sure thing, just swing by next week and see if you can find a car that you like! And we even get to smash the windshield of it, which means we can use the same car for before and after the crash! *fingers crossed for finding a good one*

On the downside, just to balance things out, we had a look at the studio while we were at the school, and realized that it's not going to work very well at all. So now we still have to find a flat with a spacious and nice looking bedroom!

And we have to do a storyboard, find actors and have a casting session (it was so much easier being on the other end of this, you wouldn't think so, but it is!) and besides all the production stuff in school, I have the audition for Teaterhögskolan on Monday! Which is not even a week from now, it's a weekend from now!


Unknown said...

Hooray for busy...
BTW I figured I would warn you ahead of time.. but the domain name will expire soon.

I'm going to work on keeping it on, but incase I miss the deadline a bit.. you'll know what happened to your sites adress :D

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

Are YOU keeping busy? Haven't heard from you in a while (my fault, I know, I owe you a webcam conversation, but I've just been too busy! so that would be the downside to keeping busy...)

Thanks for letting me know! Although my site is very much on hiatus right now anyway.. :)

Unknown said...

I'm trying...
I'm trying a lot of things. aand yes you do owe me.. BUt you're busy a lot more than me so I have no reason to bug you :P

I like waiting anyway hahahaaa

kevin said...

so HE gets a webcam conversation huh? well whatever, good to know!

hehehe only kidding

dont you just hate it when people butt into something thats none of their business :P but im glad to hear youre keeping busy and I hope everything goes smoothly for your production :D

Dear Ida said...

Yay! My love look how busy you!

The film sound exciting already. Will we get a chance to see after it has been completed?

And If I don't speak to you before your audition, break a leg your gonna blow them away anyways!

