Saturday, October 17, 2009


Did not manage to get to sleep this morning, well yesterday morning, and at five I decided to Hell with it and stayed up. Had a fairly productive school day - we got sorted into our groups of three for the upcoming film project - and then after school I was lured into socialness by Anja and Min with the temptation of wine-drinking. We hung out in town for a while, got stuff to eat and talked a bit, then Min got ahold of a friend who would have us over for movie watching and wine drinking and so we went, although I was the only one who actuallt drank any wine (I've decided this does not count as drinking on my own, since other people were present!) and we watched half a movie and talked a lot and laughed a lot, and then it was midnight all of the sudden and me and Anja needed to be on our way home. I got to talking to a (probably drunk) lady on the bus about being creative and a feminist approach to the capitalist, pariarch world, etc, etc, and I was mildy entertaining and I missed my bus stop... she said, well hopefully you got some pointers out of the deal, but she was a scorpio so I'm hardly going to be taking her advice anytime soon... and then of course I got lost and walked around in the cold rain for way too long before I made it home at about two-ish, it's ow three and I'm still not sleepy! 34 hours and going strong... I need to rewrite my script and email Kalle and Azigzag who are n my group, but I should probably save that for the morning... I might have been talked into agreeing to an outing on Sunday as well. Swimming. At a bath house. I'm very likely to bail on that one, but we'll see... I had a good time tonight.