Monday, December 29, 2008

first meeting

Through the moving darkness of drunken sleep a shrill ring tone broke through, insistant, almost desperate, panicked. Finally I tore myself from unconsciousness and stumbled into the hallway, as though familiar with this apartment, answered the door and it was her and it could have been a dream but it wasn't and I went back to bed and she was lying next to me, she was talking to me, touching me, kissing me, on my cheek and the corner of my mouth, and then I sunk into sleep again and the next thing I knew it was morning, I felt sick and she was gone.


Dear Ida said...

OMG!!!! Was this real??? Or not!!!!???

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

yeaaah... but it gets better if you read the next one, i think, or the one after that, the one that's a letter to YOU... i'm telling, hon, i am so done with this. my new year's resolution. celebacy. i'm telling you..