Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Well, I never really went to sleep last night. Went to bed around six or seven am, but I couldn't sleep so I watched the second series of "The Office" on DVD. When dad came down to wake up, I'd just turned the telly off and crawled beneath the coverlet and closed my eyes. He's gone to get more paint from the shop, we'll keep painting the house when he gets back I suppose. Have written two poems about that actually, house painting, a few days ago when we started. I should have them here somewhere...
On another note I've discovered a new swedish literature magazine, called ponton, and I've e-mailed them six of my old poems, just to see. I read their ad in the swedish poetry magazine lyrikvännen which mum got in the post the other day. I also read a marvelous poem, thus discovering a new favorite poet, called Jens Jönson.

runs off for a bit to paint the house

'lo, I'm back again! Found the poems too, but one was awful so scratch that one..


Painted house.

When you changed the red of my childhood
to a light blue, I figured
it would mark the new beginning
I was determined to get
Now you're re-painting again, I've offered to help
And as I stare up at the wall,
with the paintbrush ready for when
you have dismantled the old drainpipe,
I can't help but to fret over
how I am supposed to live my life now
in green this dull

/ ida thomasdotter 2005-07-02

1 comment:

David said...

Nice blog. Thåstrøm rocks.