[long silence]
[blank stare]
So I'v... I've read it now...
[another pause]
My mother got it for me and I read all night. At half past six in morning I decided I would be able to concentrate on what I was reading a bit better if I got some sleep, and I resumed immediatly when I woke up a few hours later. Then due to my mothers motherly qualities I had to pause in favour of consuming what is known as food. And then there was a lot of noise everywhere and I got really testy and snarled rather loudly for everyone to keep bloody QUIET because we were finally getting somewhere excitement- and plotwise. Then the mean people told me to go down to my own room if I wanted to read in peace and quiet. So I did. And then....
[makes another dramatic pause]
AND THEN IT HAPPENED!! Oh My Goddess, I can't believe it!! I am SPEECHLES, quite at a loss for words, i.e. SHOCKED! I was in a state of shock for most part of the next night.. and morning... and then I cried forever, didn't I.... then re-read the chapter in particular to try and find a loophole, and when I didn't I cried some more...I just can't believe it! How could he do that? Poor Draco... I mean, it's not like I'm going to pretend that I ever loved the old goat very most now that he's dead, I thought he could be very annoying at times when he favoured the Gryffindors, especially Harry Potter, and but he'd started to grow on me actually, and at times I can admit I even thought him funny... but these things hardly matter, because no matter how much I disliked the man, I never wanted to see him bloody DEAD. And least of all under the circumstances of it all!! 1st, how is Harry bloody Potter going to manage the task which lies ahead without his help? (Oh yes, I know, him and the rest of the Golden Trio will manage it, I'm sure... but still), the fate of the entire wizarding world depends on him! 2ond, he was obviously Draco's only chance at escaping the claws of the Death Eaters and coming over to the good side, which I think we've seen quite clearly now, is what he actually really wanted (well, he didn't want to be a murderer, and he didn't want to be a Death Eater... so basically he wanted to be on the good side) and 3rd, well I've got one word for you.... SEVERUS-BLOODY-SNAPE! MY Severus! My hero, my favorite teacher, the object of my admiration and MY HOPE! I always believed in him! I thought he was the one who would help Potter the final step of the way and-- I can't believe that he's evil! I won't! There's got to be more to it, Sev can't be evil, he can't!!
I mean, it's the first time I've ever met anyone like him!
He's witty, sarcastic, mildly evil--just enough--and dark, clad in black robes, have black greasy hair... he's like your stereotypcal Bad Guy -- and he turned out to be one of the Good Guys! That's what makes me love the character so much! Because he (along with Umbridge to some extent, death eater-wise, although I don't like her anyway for obvious reasons) shows that you don't have to be goody-goody and lovable to be on the right side! Don't judge a book by its cover and all that! But NOW!
Well that old motto's right out of the window by now isn't it!?
Now... there's got to be more to it...
Him and Dumbledore. They'd decided this together beforehand. Or they were communicating silently at the time and decided it then. Or he acted without Dumbledore's consent because he was desperate to save Draco. He didn't really kill Dumbledore. But I think Dumbeldore is actually really dead, so then he must have.... but... ARGH! I don't know! WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS BOOK SEVEN! I WANT IT NOW! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!
[passing out of lack of oxygen]
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