I got a ride with my dad to the hospital in town for my appointment with the medical gymnast. It went alright. No big surprises. I'm bendy and have no muscles to support my bendiness, to make a long story short. He gave me some simple exercises for my neck and shoulders to begin with and a new appointment for august 22. After that, we met up with mum who's working this week, and we all had lunch together.
After we got home, my little brother and I went down to the village library so that he could borrow some books on soccer (to his immense pleasure) and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (probably to please me rather than himself...) I am very proud to announce that I resisted temptation with flying colours and refrained from borrowing a single book!
When we got back home, I stationed myself in the kitchen and thought I might do some writing, but for some reason (despite my five whole hours of sleep last night and big amounts of coffee) my eyelids were drooping dangerously and my arms felt strangely heavy, as if I would've done a hundred push-ups! (of course I could never do a hundred push-ups, I can't even manage to do one, but I imagine this is what your arms would feel like if you did do a hundred push-ups...) and writing was obviously out of the question.
I considered taking a nap, but by that time my mother had come home from work and she strictly advised against it in her normal motherly-hypocritic way before going for a nap herself. I pointed this out to her of course, just to underline the unfairness of it all, but she fired back with a simple "I can sleep at night, you can't" -- I still felt strongly that I was being treated awfully unfair, but nevertheless I skipped the nap, because the bottom-line of every story is Mum knows best, isn't it? -- Well, my motto has always been that I'm always right, so I'm a bit torn at the moment... But I think I'll be able to turn this whole decision and the reason behind it into my own clever making, so then it's alright!
Re-read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last night because, guess what? I haven't gotten my hand on the sixth book yet! By now, every devoted Harry Potter fan around the world has probably read it several times over, and I haven't even touched the cover! They sold out immediatly of course, and they ordered a new stock that should be in at the end of the week, but I mean -- the end of the week! Sure, I've waited a year to read it and a few more days won't really finish me off will it, but when you're dead set on something and it doesn't turn out that way, your whole world crumbles doesn't it! I'm going mad... Harry Potter-abstinence, the heat, the unexplainable exhaution and the general fact that everything seems to go generally wrong in general just to spite me! -- well, it's enough to drive anyone up the walls, isn't it... Anyway. I'm going to read Viggo Mortensen's Recent Forgeries for a while now and calm down... My shoulders have begun to ache anyway.

This is me trying to write
And this is my sweetie Tjockis, not trying to do much at all
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