Sunday, August 31, 2008

what am I doing here?

Following yesterday's cryptic little anecdote-thingy, I've suffered through yet another whirlwind of mind and come out on the other side somewhat refreshed and quite determined.

I am reshaping my future prospects. I lost sight for a while, but now I'm back on track. The upcoming week I'm going to devote all of my energy and focus to getting my headshots printed and paid for, new packages compiled and dropped in agencies with the objective of securing representation so that I can get out there and start auditioning for real. I need to book some gigs and flesh out my resume. I need to decide whether I want to extend my work permit for another year come spring time and be tied to one "proper" full-time employment and unable to act for a year, or whether I should move on to the UK (because I'm not going back to Sweden yet for a while)

Any thoughts from the outside that would like to filter in are much welcomed since I tend to get snowed in with my own thoughts in my head otherwise. I already talked to my best friend Ana about it briefly on the phone this morning, but we need to sit down face to face with tea and coffee respectively and discuss it in depth I think (she's one of the main components in favour of a life continued here in Vancouver as opposed to going back to Europe, after all... her and my other best friend, but he's not in town to be talked to about it at the moment, so...)

The third party that will have to be consulted is my room mate Tony, of course. But he's already proposed to me, so I already know he's thoughts on the matter.

I think I just need to get some perspective. Plus room to breathe for a while so that's I don't succumb to another depressively cynical and hopeless vicious circle; I need to open my windows, so to speak.


Ace said...

I wouldn't have minded staying in that closet for the reason being that I'm not claustrophobic BUT there were spiders.. and I hate spiders...

That and I needed air. I needed to breathe something refreshing and by the sounds of it, you seem inclined to do so as well. Feeling refreshed and focussed is one of those extremely sought after positions to be in.

Today is a gorgeous day in the city. I hope you spend it sipping away somewhere on the drive (which is where I definitely would be if I wasn't bombarded with work/chores) and map map map.

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

Air is a necessity in life, as annoying a fact as that may be sometimes... I experienced that annoyance in the beginning of the week, as I wrote in my entry, but don't you just hate that when life (well your self and the corner you've painted yourself into rather) suffocates you like that? sometimes it's good to just drop everything and just sit and observe and breathe... which is what I am doing right now, hope you get a chance to as well (work to live, don't live to work!)