Started on a new painting last evening, so I've been up all night working on that, and then I resumed the task this afternoon. I'm working with oil paint, even though I dislike it, and the thing with that is that it takes forever to dry, which also affects the painting process because you have to make these really long pauses every now and then to let it dry a bit before you can apply more layers of paint. Not really to my taste, as you can understand, seeing as I'm really impatient and like to be at it for hours/days at a time when inspiration strikes me. Which is quite impossible with this one. I'd really prefer to keep working with acrylic, but I've run out of all the best colours (especially black and white) and I can't afford to stock up on paint at the moment. Guess I'll just have to make due with what I've got for the time being.
This is what it looks like so far:

I also started a new book. It's Lisbet Holst's swedish translation of Alice Sebold's "The Lovely Bones". I've only read three chapters so far, but it's really good as far as I can tell. And I tend to be very fussy when it comes to starting a new book - if it hasn't caught my attention so to speak after the first few pages, I'm likely to put it aside. But this one seems really good, so I'm pretty sure I'll finish it quite quickly. Other than that, I'm still reading Lestat's story, the new translation of Lord of the rings, Anne Brontë's novel, The amulet of Samarkand, and a self-healing guidance-thing.
I watched "The machinist" again last night. With my family this time. They all liked it a lot as well. Especially mum, to my great surprise, not that I didn't think she'd like it, but I was stone certain it was a movie more to dad's taste if you know what I mean. Mum didn't like Fight Club for instance. But I think she enjoyed the movie even more than dad did. Well, I guess it's good, considering it was she who bought it...
I took some really nice photos this morning as well, at dawn, before I went to bed and tried to fall asleep. Here's some of them: