Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A day for camels.

My dad and I drove down to Stockholm with most of my things today. It was tedious four-hour-round trip stuck in the car, but on the way home there was signage eluding to free coffee, so we took a detour and took the sign people up on in, and that gave us the extra boost to make it home.

Now I'm severely exhausted, mainly cause I haven't slept in about a month and I'm also withering away on the inside for three reasons, one of them being that I'm in "pending mode" (or purgatory as I also like to call it) yet again and whenever I am I seem to go into mental and emotional hibernation for some reason.. I need to find the energy to finish my novel this month, if I can only get it done, I know I'm going to feel a weight lift from my shoulders or chest or wherever it's located, possibly my head..

I also had an idea for a drama. It involves an unwanted pregnancy, a dysfunctional family, lots of guilt and the bending of gender roles, as well as some testimonies of Fate's twisted sense of humor. Sounds like it's been done before, doesn't it.. well, we'll see..


Dear Ida said...

Sounds like FUN!

Dear Ida said...

By the way we have to do our video the one where you and me are in it! I'll send you a written Idea of what the theme could be, we're gonna have to find a why to cheat it! Let me know if anything come to mind, I was thinking something around me and you being on the opposite side of the wall?

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

sounds great. and if you remember i also had an idea that i wanted your help with. actually two, but one of them was pretty much the same as yours that you just said, cheating to make it look like we're actually talking at first and then reveal that we're on opposite sides of the globe kind of thing. the other is just with me but i need your Voice Over so that I'm talking to you but you're out of frame, I'll write down the synopsis and send it to you later and you'll understand why it needs to be that way.