Friday, July 17, 2009

B12 & The Halfblood Prince

So far these B12 pills are quite counter-productive, I've never felt so drained and exhausted and weak and useless in my life. I'm too tired to sleep and I'm too tired to be awake. And today I have to find the energy to get my self-pitying behind into town and visit the job office so that I can get a stupid piece of paper.

Treated my family to the premiere of The Halfblood Prince. I was not disappointed by it. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's been my favourite out of the films (perhaps because it's my least favourite out of the books that has so far been made into films... in that case, I know I'll love the 7th film...) Lots of nice Draco moments, as well as a couple of Snape and McGonnagal moments. But as I said heading into town, they have no choice but to pay attention to Draco and Snape in this film, and they can't cut out their scenes, because they're scenes are the actual plot. Well, the plot that isn't about snogging, anyways. The interesting plot.


Unknown said...

since I've taken sleeping pills for a while, I went to a clinic today because I was overall sick, and He told me all I had was a sleeping disorder and gave me some sleeping pills. :D

I would be excited to watch the new Harry Potter but I don't know when I will/can.

Dear Ida said...

Oh so you have seen it! Fun! I loved it too! I liked that it was dark too, but had it's moments!

Totally my second fav in the movie series!

I missed having you next to me this time though!
