Saturday, May 23, 2009

filming with a mobile phone

I engaged my brother Simon and to some extent my dad in the making of that three minute mobile phone film for the dramatic institute, I made some blood and we made a mess of the kitchen and it was awesome, but in the end the film was terrible and I decided not to go with it and tried a different approach... and I had another, simpler idea, that I persuaded my brother to go along with (on the condition that I don't put it up on youtube or facebook... -- it involves makeup...) and we shot it while the parents were out and it turned out great! I shot the whole thing against the light from various windows, and in the end, as he's in the bathroom putting on makeup, I filmed his reflection and ours is a bathroom mirror that's also a cupboard so there's an edge in the middle of it, and I positioned myself so that it ran straight down the middle of Simon's face (for the most part) -- I hope the people at the film school will get the symbolism in those things, because I put a lot of thought into it and quite felt like I was following in the footsteps of Bergman or something! well... maybe not... but I thought it was rather clever at least, plus I timed it perfectly, so Simon walks out of the house and the door closes behind him, right in fornt of me, at the end and that 2 minutes and 54 seconds! Cool, right?


Dear Ida said...

I have to see it, I'm the exception. Secretly send it to me!


It sound like fun! But I still want to see it!

Love you, Still have my fingers crossed!


kevin said...

dont worry if you show cesar i'll keep it a secret :P

it sounds interesting, but heres my question- whats the point of doing it on a mobile with video? seems like it makes more sense,and easier, to use a digital camera...

Unknown said...

anything that records video is an acceptable medium, there's actual film contests for that kind of stuff.

mostly, because it's not that hard to do.

Ana said...

smart girl! you showed them your creative side and I think they'll see the potential :)

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

I don't know why it has to be filmed with a mobile camera! The only reason I can think of is that everyone has the same opportunity, so no-one shows up with a flashy video filmed with top notch equipment just cause they have a rich daddy or something.. I mean with the right equipment you can make anything look good right, it takes creativity to make a video look good with a phone! (trust me... the horror of it! it hurts my aesthetic-snob's soul!)

And anyone whose interested and live on the other side of the planet, my brother has agreed to me emailing you the video if you want to see it, he just doesn't want his friends to get their hands (eyes) on it... so let me now (cesar: duly noted!)

kevin said...

id love to see it

Brett said...

Since everyone else is making a comment, I believe I will too...

Ida, you're awesome and I totally want to see it too!

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

well, brett, comments are always nice so you should it a habit and not just cave in under peer pressure ;p

and I'll make a note of it and email the film to you as well!