So I went and got another bottle of wine, declared my love for this Swedish girl who broke my heart all over her Facebook wall, drunk dialed some people, blacked out, then passed out, and the good news is that I'm not hungover, I'm still tipsy. And I have to get ready for work in oooh about an hour, so this will be a fun day!
as long as you are still alive :D
Feels weird, but fantastic to release... doesnt it?
Its a bit awkward, but releaving.
Im proud of you!
I got drunk on a bottle of caberniet Savingon during our family camping trip after drinking most of all of the bottle to myself. I was thinking of you for most of that night and how much I miss drinking with you!
I too miss you dearly my love, more than you know!!! And cant wait to see you and share with you again!
Time is going fast and you sahll see eachother sooner then we expect!
Sounds like a good night, though maybe not in a way you would think. Emotions are best out than in, at least they won't fester away inside you for years and turn you into one of those twisted emotionally retarded people... you know the type ;-)
Should be an interesting day...
impressive, love. white or red wine.. please say white.. at the minimum, rose!
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