Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer days drifting away

Editing "Varma Mackor" has been a joy. I have a rough cut of the film finished now, after a couple of insane all-nighters that pretty much went like this: I'd get to the editing room at Filmbasen at around six or seven in the evening, get startled by the alarm on my mobile at five to eleven (that's when the alarm is automatically turned on, and you have to go outside, wait for it to turn on, then disable it again before you can go back inside), get back to it and suddenly realise the sun is up and it's five in the morning, at which point it would cross my mind that "I should get home and get some sleep...", a healthy thought, no doubt, that was unfortunately quickly followed by "I'll just finish doing this first..." and in the blink of an eye, it'd be noon, and only then would I stumble home like zombie, squinting in the bright daylight, wondering if the fact that my brain feels like a wet cake is a sign of permanent damage or not, but also feeling decidedly pleased with my night's work and quite in love with all my actors.

Now I'm letting it rest for a while. I'm waiting for Anja to get back into town so that I can show it to her and recieve her brilliant and unforgiving feedback. Meanwhile, I've been planning three other productions for the coming year with Tove and Anna. I'm helping them both cast their respective films, and I'll also be both of their assistant director, as well as play the main character in Tove's film. And the third film we're doing is my own, of course. I've just finished the first draft of the screenplay (it's called "Begrav mig på bakgården", which means Bury me in the backyard) and I'll be working on that alongside the casting process, as well as reading and giving Tove and Anna feedback on their screenplays. And also, whatever Anja needs from me as well, but we haven't talked about that yet, but she's making her film "Agnes" this year, as well as a documentary.

In the beginning of August I'll also be working on another production as a scripta (just went to look up the english work for that function and bristled when I saw that it was "script girl" or "continuity girl" according to, definitely not condoning that, so you'll just have to make due with swedish on this one...) with Tove's and Anna's wedding crammed in the middle of the shoot.

Then at the end of August, Tove, Anna and myself are renting a car to go on a weekend trip down south to look at some locations and possibly hold a casting workshop at a school.

And, believe it or not, I'm also going to try and get some hours in with the temp agency so that I'll be able to pay my rent and bills. One thing's for sure though, I'm not making it back home for another visit before the summer is over.

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