Thursday, July 07, 2011

holiday "hi"

I'm sitting outside my family's cottage on our little island outside the east coast of Sweden. I've been into the sea three times already since I got here last night, it's the best feeling in the world, my favourite place of all time; under the surface, in the cool and the dark, watching the rays of light break through all around me. It's the closest I've come to meditation so far. Even the seagull cries are comforting. Somehow nostalgic and strangely soothing despite the hysterical quality, either because I've been associating them with this place for as long as I can remember, or something about the noise itself maybe. It's sort of like whale song on speed, if you think about it.. But it's definitely not as poetic and romantic in real life as when you read about it in Tolkien's book, how the elves hear the cry of the gulls as they're called by the sea to travel to the grey havens.. I'd like to think the seagulls of Middle Earth are less hysterical. Anyway. Filmbasen contacted me via email and wanted to write about me in their spotlight section on their webpage. Other than that, no news. Now I think I'll go for another dip before I get started on lunch! Take care everyone!

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