Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Commuting and plotting

Up at six o'clock for my first morning of doing morning pages (as recommended by The Artist's Way), feelings resistant the entire time, but I got through them, although I did cheat a little in that I washed up, brushed my teeth and made coffee before I started (I think you're supposed to basically roll right out of bed and start writing immediately. Also I think you're meant to write by hand, but I'm running low on note books, so I typed the pages on my laptop instead...)

I went into town to my sister-in-law's office in Old Town, to check out the rooms since I'll be cleaning there once a week starting next weekend when I'm not in Gothenburg for the film festival, for a little bit of extra cash. Then I had to rush back to the tube and travel all the way to Kungens Kurva for work at eleven -- same shift as yesterday, but I wasn't booked for it, but then when I was getting ready to leave last night, the guy came running up to me, on the phone with my contact person in the staffing company who does all my bookings, and wanted to know if I could work today as well, and I agree to do it, determined I'd make it work, and I did... only, when I got there and got to work, my contact calls me up on my mobile and tells me that she's double booked me, and that another girl is on her way, and she was technically booked before me, and would I mind going all the way through town to the other side of it and work in Järfälla today instead... and I did mind somewhat, but I agreed to do it anyway, besides, she said I'd get paid for the time I'm travelling as well, and I love commuting since I get all my ideas when I do... so I get my stuff together and leave again, and as I'm waiting for the bus, she calls me up again, and says the Järfälla people worked it out and wouldn't be needing me to come in... so then I went home.

I had a couple of great new ideas on my way home, though. So I'm not complaining at all. Also, I should be preparing for the pitch this weekend and pack for tomorrow anyway, and this way I have all day to do that... of course, knowing myself, I'll do neither, just post-pone it for tomorrow morning...


Unknown said...

Today, I wrote 4 blogs and an outline for a short that will never see the light of day (but let's be optimistic.)

I just want to tell you two things, first Hooray you're back on blogger (I finally figured out how to subcribe to blogs on my wordpress.) and two from what I've been reading is it fair to say I can look forward to exciting things? I also just want to pour some of my good mood into here and I hope to actually talk-talk to you soon :)

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

Hooray, indeed! Keep pouring, please, it's very welcomed, well, you can pour some bad mood occasionally if you feel like it, but good mood is always a treat! ;)

Yes, I missed blogger as well. Well, a real blog anyway. The whole tumblr thing was a little too fourteen-year-old girl for me (mind you, that could be because fifteen-year-old girls were the ones to follow my tumblr, hence the ones I followed back, and thus what showed up on my feed or whatever..)

Anyway! Thanks for dropping by, and YES there will be exciting stuff to come (I HOPE) and I'll talk-talk to you soon (hopefully) maybe when I'm back from Gothenburg?

Unknown said...
