Friday, January 21, 2011

So tumblr... I'm over it.

Yeah. I have a livejournal for the geeky, fangirly, procrastinating side of things. And I know that I could just as easily use tumblr to write my usual type of blog entries, but it's just not the same. I log on there and I'm showered with .gif pictures and OMGs and it's all twittery surface, it's actually worse than twitter, because at twitter you're supposed to express yourself in less than whatever number of characters it is, 140 or something, but at tumblr, if you can skip the characters all together and just put a picture up there, preferably not even your own, but some strangers picture that's been passed on through a line of hundreds of other tumblr blogs, then that's optimal. Well, I started missing my old blog, so here I am.

I don't actually have time to write much right now, I'm heading out as I'm typing this, one arm tangled into a jacket sleeve and one eye on the clock, but I just wanted to put it out there; this blog will be up and running again, for those who care, so I'll talk to you again soon!


DeathShrike said...

It's all my fault! Forgive me?

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

Hehe. I'll still keep my tumblr, it's great for procrastination and sleep-deprivation.