Friday, September 11, 2009

Off to a bad start.

This photographer/agent that my aunt knows and dragged me to see a few months ago got in touch with me again. He just got back from Italy, he says. And he wanted to see me (without my aunt being there and making him stressed ...) so I told him I only have weekends available because of school, and we decided on next weekend. So I've booked my train tickets, and dad was going to call my aunt and see if I could stay at hers... I don't know how I get myself into these things, I really don't. I'm not a model! I don't want to be a model! Ah, whatever. Maybe I'll get some extra cash or at least a couple of nice photos that I can put on my website, that is in serious need of updating by the way, and I've promised Ana to make layout pictures for her web site as well, and I haven't even as much as thought about Photoshop since school started (it's threatening to file for divorce ...)

This past week seems to have taken its toll on me finally. I woke up dead. And then I realized I was running very late. And then somehow managed to drag myself out of bed, out of the house and onto the bus, and I was doing okay until I reached the metro ... then I got hit with this weight of nausea and broke out into a cold sweat and could barely see ... so I took off my sunglasses. But I was still bleary-eyed and shaky. And I decided that the amount of strenght and energy that would be required to get my arse all the way out to Alby for school would kill me a second time and I'd still be inexcusably late, so I folded under pressure and went home again. Coffee and Hammerfall and a big blanket later, I'm feeling less pitiful and less dead. Now I'm more of a zombie beating itself up for missing a day of school.


Dear Ida said...

Babe! School is important...
Are you even allowed to miss classes? I take it you can't since it's an intensive.

And go for the modeling, you need something to differentiate you from others, plus it gets people to see and recognize your face which later make it easier to find, and get acting jobs because you'll look much more familiar. Give a go, and be confident, and keep your insecurities to yourself. They can smell fear from miles away, and that scares them sometimes. you'll do great!

(wink) Hugs,


Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

Babe. Don't nag me :p
It's not like I'm skiving off, it's not like in VFS, I actually don't want to miss school, it's been killing me all day that I've missed a whole day, because I love every minute of it, I swear, I've been going with a fever before, but today I was exhausted on top of everything else and I just couldn't drag myself there.. but of course I'm allowed to stay home if I'm sick, I'm the only one missing out.. plenty of us have been sick since school started, there's an flu going around remember?

What insecurities? O-O
Hahaha, just kidding.. no yeah, you're right, I will, head held high and jokes ready to go in case my non-stick figure is mentioned! How's that? :)