Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lately I feel like there's not enough of me to go around. It's frustrating me to no end. I want to be there for people and not neglect them even though my schedule is packed, I want to do a great job in anything I do and still not neglect my own projects, and I try to do these things (and not neglect myself at the same time either) and it's just too impossible. I guess I'm not enough. Or good enough or not trying hard enough or something..

Anyway. Spending the night in North Van and skiving off work was a great idea, because the little clown-nose photo shoot that Cesar and I organized spontaneously did the trick, and so did the audition I went to yesterday. I feel a little more alive now.

The audition went well, I think. I found the place, I accidentally stumbled in on the person before me doing his audition, but the girls were really cool about it. I did my thing. They seemed to not hate it. The girl whose written and will direct it asked me to do it again as though I were drunk, so there goes Cesar's a my theory about them probably wanting it to be played very seriously, but I did that and at the end they burst out laughing and said it was hilarious (I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not yet) and then added the customary "Great, we'll be in touch" bit and now I'm waiting to hear from them.. It's just a student short, so it's unpaid, but the girls seem really cool and I really want to work with them, actually I just need to work on something that's not retail or serving, so I really hope I get it.

I'm between my jobs right now, and for the first time in my life I wish I meant "unemployed" when I say that, but unfortunately I mean that literally. I just got off work in Roots and came to Death by Chocolate early to use their wireless and drink their coffee before I start round 2 at six...

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