Monday, October 13, 2008

And she's back...

It's cats and dogs outside in Vancouver today. I'm sitting in my least favourite coffee shop in the city and watching people in hoods scurry by the window, presumably on their way to give thanks together with their families and stuff their faces with turkey. Luckily, I'm Swedish and have nothing to be thankful for, so I don't have to worry about that. I mean, All Hallow's Eve and Christmas are bad enough for my stress level, I don't think heart could cope with another Holiday in one Autumn/Winter to be honest.

I know it's been a while since I've updated my blog, and to anyone who's keeping track, I'd like to apologize for this, but the thing is I got another job. Yeah, that's right. I'm working in Roots on Granville, yep, you heard me right, a day job, selling, I know what you're thinking, but no, I'm not smelling popcorn and I do hate it, but this ghastly boredom of a job is actually an investment for the future, but I'll tell you more about that later... Also, before I got my second job I was ill for quite a while. It took Ana's worry and persistance to bring me back to the land of the living. That and some vacuuming and sushi.

Today/tonight is actually my one day off in a fortnight. I had it fully booked, actually. I was having coffee with Ces in the morning, then coffee and british comedy with Syd at noon and then finally non-thanksgiving dinner at Ana's place at six. I guess the dinner might still happen, but the first two are goners, because I woke up quite late this morning and realized that my mobile had gone and died on me during the night. My charger is in North Vancouver (on Holiday) and my room mate (who has the same phone, thus the same charger) is nowhere to be found. What to do? I have no idea. I just hope my agent isn't trying to contact me today. I already blew a pilot audition opportunity because of a dead phone this week!

It was great working with Hedy in Death by Chocolate again, though. I hate this place, but I missed working with Hedy. My manager in Roots is a sweetheart and she adores me, which is nice, and it makes the whole ordeal a lot easier, but I can't be myself around her, obviously. She adores the picture of me that Ana and Hedy painted as my references (lying through their teeth) in order to get me the job; you know, people person, easy-going, great out-going personality, good humoured, etc etc. And when she asked Hedy what I would do when it was quiet, Hedy didn't say, well we usually go for a smoke, have a coffee and do the crossword, she said, ooh, Ida always finds something to do! I mean they went out of their way, stretching their imaginations to their limits, I've no doubt, because not only did my manager fight with the Head Office to have me hired despite going away to Sweden for three weeks over Christmas when no Roots employees are allowed to take any time off, she also fought to raise my pay, so they must have sold me really good. Only problem with that is, of course, now I have to live up to it. Hedy doesn't care, I'm sure, she rather have me work here with her every day instead anyway. But Ana works in Roots on 4th and her job would be on the line if I fucked things up...

No news on the riddance of the little pin cushion or the retrieval of my precious dvds, but Tony has established contact with the girl and communication is, albeit slow, on-going. More on this unfortunate adventure later on.


Anonymous said...

my friends use to work at the starbucks right up the street from roots. you know, the one right across the street from the other one (ridiculous)? congrats though!

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

yes, I know which one you mean, I've never been in there I don't think, I always end up in the one attached to Chapters, since it's got two of my main obsessions in one: coffee and books :)