Monday, August 29, 2005

a useless day.

Well today's been an utter waste of time. I missed my first bus, which turned out to be a good thing really, because then I had time to have my morning coffee, and I phoned the bloke on AME instead and going over the situation briefly went just as well over the phone anyway, and then we scheduled a new appointment for Thursday. I drank my coffee in peace and quiet, and then I caught the next bus into town.

I got to the dentist's office. I waited. I was called in. They asked me how things were going with my biteband, I said fine. They said alrighty then, and I was free to leave.

I phoned my mother's mobile, but there was no answer, so I decided to go to the library against my better judgement, where I - of course - ended up picking up a bagful of books (literally) which was rather heavy and not very good on my shoulders at all. I tried to phone my mother again, and this time she answered, and I went to meet up with her at her job. I waited. I read. She finished up and we went for a coffee.

She had a bus to catch. I went to the Worker's Theatre Association Club, I was an hour early, so I waited and I read. The meeting turned out to be completely useless, because hardly no-one bothered to show up. So they set up a new time. I got a lift home.

And that was my day.


Well. At least I borrowed some really good books at the library. A book on Andrew Lloyd Webber's musicals amongst others, with music notes for Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita, which I'll need for my audition. Also got McBeth and Hamlet for that. And the one I've started reading, which is really good even though it unfortunately has been translated into swedish, and that's A home at the end of the world, by Michael Cunningham.

After I'd settled down for a bit when I got home, had some to eat, and coffee obviously, I went out for a walk. And I visited the cemetery. And I hugged a tree. And then I walked back home again. My mother asked me Had I been smoking?, my dad said Didn't she know I've quit? and finally I said, No I was at the cemetery hugging a tree. They frowned, but didn't comment.

And tomorrow school starts, I'm really excited, I just hope I won't get lost on my way there... but it shouldn't be a problem, because mum's given me a description on how to go to get there from the station. Anyway, I got to the Worker's Theatre Association Club House today just fine. It'll be a piece of cake.

Also my new web site - my writing archive written in ink - is finally up. It's being hosted at (yay!)
Here, have a

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