I'm all but melting away, although it certainly feels like I am just that, so now I'm squished between two forces of heat - the fever from within and the summer heat from without - and here I was foolishly celebrating the arrival of autumn.
I went with my mother on a little expedition yesterday. We drove off to a neighbouring village, where they've opened a country life-looking coffee shop, in an old barn or whatnot, and it was quite cosy actually. On the way there, we also had the great fortune of passing a carwreckage by the side of the road. Of course I told mum to turn around and go back to it, and she did. We got out and took turns wielding the camera, and I got some really nice photos. That was happy happenstance number 1.
Number 2 came when we were sitting at the coffee shop, drinking said coffee. A little bird came soaring past our table and flew right into a window in the wall next to it and fell to the floor right behind me. Of course my immediate concern was for the bird's wellfare, obviously, but the impact hadn't been too hard and the bird was alright save for the shock. It lay panting for a moment, but other than that its wings and legs seemed to be just fine, so I hurried to take a picture of that as well, before the manager came and scooped it up carefully to dispose of it outside. Very happy indeed. I'd gotten some really good photos.
After that we went into town. I'd scheduled to meet up with Sara, and after we'd met up she came with me and my mother to my mother's friend Anita. We had coffee at her place, which was really nice by the way, I hadn't been there yet, she moved in about a year ago, and we talked a bit about this and that. Anita is a memebr of the Worker's Theatre Association in Söderhamn. I've e-mailed the head of the board requesting to join them, but I hadn't heard from them yet. But Anita told me I could, that the woman had seemed really thrilled about it, but hadn't been able to reply to my message because Internet is a cruel force of evil - or something like that - and they're meeting on the 29th to start off the autumn/winter term. Anite said I should come as well. That's the day before I start school. Time's running out - I can't wait to get started (with my life).
The moon was full last night as well. And it was beautiful. Full and perfectly round shaped, and glowingly orange. Even though I was having a "Lost"-marathon with my family, I had to tear my gaze from the TV screen and stare out the living room window which offered a magnificent view. I even took a few photos, despite the fact that the neighbours opposite had parked themselves on the steps up to their house as usual, and were drinking beer. I managed to take three photos, before they recognized the flashing for what it was, and I retreated before they came knocking.
I was going to organize my room today. But so far I haven't been able to do anything. I was up all night painting, and I only got up at half past three, and the heat's been slowly torturing me to death since then.
I need coffee. Let's see. Half six. Which means the sun will set soon. I think... Actually how would I know? But, 6:30 means evening doesn't it? Hate being this far up north this time of year.. bloody midnight sun-syndrome... well, not for much longer. Thank heaven....
These were taken by my mum (she seems to like having a personal model at her command.. although I do most of the commanding.. even when I'm in front of the camera...) :

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