Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Tjockis substitute & a dying mobile phone

I've been having difficulties accessing an internet connection in the past week. Extremely frustrating. Especially when my mobile decides it's about time it broke, as well. I've not been able to answer any incoming calls all week.

But yesterday, I got mail. And it made my month. It was a parcel from my parents and contained the usual news paper clippings and mail that'd been sent to their address and some accessory that I'd forgot the last time I was home for a visit... but also, a Tjockis substitute! (Tjockis is the name of my cat, who's staying with my parents since I moved to Vancouver in 2007, and whom I miss severely now that they won't give her back, and now a friend of my mum's has made a stuffed cat with her exact colouring, including her eye colour which is really special, she has one yellow and one blue eye, so it's no mistaking who the plushie is supposed to be!) 

I have pictures... (yes, I am that much of a child)


Choice said...

so, your parents just kidnapped your cat and send a lovely puppet, and that made your month?

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

Yep. Basically.
Well, I'd like to think of it as joined custody...

Choice said...

creepy stuff, out of context XD
i wonder if you tickle the substitute would the real one laugh?

Ida Nieninque Thomasdotter said...

Oh, she doesn't laugh when you tickle her incidentally... (heh, take that out of context!) she actually makes pigeon sounds! :)

Choice said...

touch and sink.
can´t take that out out of context, nor answer properly.
that´ s kind of new :)
still rem9nd me of hitchcock birds XDD
but i´m willing to concede to such a lovely craft.(seriously, that one cat, is quite a interesting craft, whoever the maker is, he/she deserves quite a honour)
So let he/she know :)