When it was ended around half past eleven I surprisingly went to bed, and even more surprisingly fell right asleep.
Of course I awoke a couple of hours later at one o’clock, wide awake and unable to go back to sleep. I read for a few hours and willed the time away restlessly, as per usual.
At four in the morning I went upstairs and made a pot of coffee, then I proceeded up another set of staircases and went to awake my mother. I told her to get up because we were going to drive to the sea and watch/photograph the sunrise.
Reluctantly she obeyed. I was giddy as a child on christmas eve, whilst she was struggling with her sleep infested mind still and munched mechanically on a sandwich until she’d won out.
We drove to the end of the world and waited patiently (in her case - very fidgety and restlessly, in mine) until finally, finally the sun began to rise. It was unbelievably beautiful. Unfortunately the sky was covered in heavy clouds inches above the horizon and onwards, but in that tiny space between the water and the lower edge of the sea of clouds, you could see the glowing red eye, almost vibrating as it slowly rose and disappeared into the thick fogged-up heaven. It was neon magenta-red and although I was being viciously terrorized by a mob of mosquitoes, its beauty still managed to overwhelm me with a pain-streaked euphoria. The photos were shitty of course, because neither my mum or me possess the right equipment for nighttime or nature photography, but it’ll serve nicely as reminder.
Here's what it looked like:

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