.Saturday We left home at about 12 o’clock. I finished the book ”Och fjättra Lilith i kedjor” that I’d borrowed from Fredrik, in the car, so that I could return it when we got there. It was quite good. The detective work and computor talk went over my head, mostly due to lack of interest, but the mythology and history parts really caught my attention, because I’m really interested in both of those genres.
We only took one wrong turn, or I should say Dad only took one wrong turn (cause it was he who was driving after all) and we managed to locate Gröndal rather painlessly. It took about three hours in total.
When we got there we had coffee with Fredrik and Annelie and then we all sort of just hung about until it was time to go to the theatre. Fredrik had gotten tickets for ”Charlie and the chocolate factory” and of course I was giddy and excited as a child on christmas (and I was the only one too, I might add)
And... The movie was great! Obviously... So Tim Burton, i.e. fairytale-like and magical and wonderful! and Johnny Depp was a most magnificent Willy Wonka! I think he really outdid himself in this performance! Of course I was also the only one who was literally bouncing as we left the theatre again afterwards as well, and who was beaming with a facesplitting grin and whose eyes had been magically enlarged by euphoria... the others smiled faintly and said that it was quite funny... Obviously the Burton-brilliance is above their level of comprehension..
.Sunday Me, dad and Fredrik went on a long walk, it was refreshingly chilly in the air, but the sun was bright and warm as if it was still June. It quite beautiful though. Anyway, I had my shades... Besides, I really needed the exercise and fresh air! I love autumn! We walked by the water as well so it was really great! (I have a water fetish, or something...)
Then I sat on the balcony and talked to Annelie for a bit. And later in the evening, mum arrived as well.
Also, I took some really cool photos from the balcony.
.Monday My family went to see the football match, so Simon was beside himself with excitement all morning. He'd decorated himself like a hooligan equivalent to a christmas tree and spent all morning practising various cheering songs. Really loudly.
While they were away I wrote a few new slash fics (The Prank, Last night of dreaming, and The escape Route) then Fredrik got home from work and I socialized a bit with him, and he showed me some stuff on the computor. I took notes. Then Annelie got home as well and we had dinner.
When the family got back from the match, we packed our things and said farewell and began our journey back home.
.Tuesday School day. Went by rather smoothly and fast however, so no major headaches. Got some new ideas, and new writing inspiration.
.Wednesday Another school day. Not over as quickly as the previous, but a lot more fun though, so it was balanced out I suppose. I handed in half of chapter two in my book for review.
Was supposed to come out with the others in the night, but I was really exhausted when I got home, not to mention my back was killing me, as were my shoulders. And to top it all, there was no bus home for me, which meant I'd be stuck in town over night. So I phoned Fredde and regretfully announced that I'd be skiving off as usual and then I spent the rest of the evening watching a movie with my dad (The life of David Gale - really good)
.Thursday and furthermore the day on which I'm writing all of this, which makes it today, I guess. Took a break from my novel writing today and wrote a short story, called Hjärtat (The heart) which was about me and my best friend (Kattiz) when we went to this lake in the middle of the forest to swim one afternoon. I wrote it for a challenge in the literature magazine called Provins - they've requested texts about being young in the north of sweden, it can be a short story as well as a poem, chronicle, song lyrics etc, and a jury picks a few out that will be published in the magazine and then the readers will vote for their favorite. The winner will be interviewed and get a one year membership in the northern author society - anyway, it felt good to write something complete for once. Gave oneself a feeling of accomplishment, and I think I needed that!
Just got in from a long walk. Went strolling up in the woods behind the cemetery. It's really nice up there, too bad they've cut down so many trees in the last couple of years though...
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