Monday, June 06, 2011

Still avoiding reality. But it's a red day, so I can if I want to.

Yesterday I revised the current draft of my screenplay and got rid of all my Virginia Woolf-esque scene directions and details so that I'd have a more stripped down version of the script to show to potential producers and I'm now down to 115 pages (including the title page)! It was 137 (excluding title page) before!

Today my mind is in Brighton, UK.

Also, I'm watching a genius comedy/dramacomedi called "I love you too" that you must watch. Another amazing performance by Peter Dinklage, a new favourite actor. I started watching another one of his films last night in which he had a tiny role (but he made the most of it and was awesome) but I couldn't keep watching it. I think I might have hated it. But I was too stunned by the weirdness of the whole thing that I'm not exactly sure what I felt toward the monstrosity of a film. It's called "Just a kiss". It felt more like a 90s MTV special (or a re-enacted letter from the Swedish teen program "Bullen" from the same decade) than an actual movie. Especially with the random and weird as hell cartoony effects that suddenly pop up over the actual film, like the orcs in the old animated version of "Lord of the rings", but worse.

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