Saturday, May 28, 2011

Production updates

So I finally got Internet on my computer! No more blogging via ridiculously tiny iphone keyboard (unless in a pinch), which is such a relief, I can't even tell you. Unfortunately I'll have to make this short, since I'm heading out.

My producer Alexandra is picking me up in half an hour, then we're going to go check out a location for the short film (Varma mackor) and we're picking up Tove (DOP) and Anja (AD and darling) on the way as well. It's all coming together, actually. I was at a barbecue at Frida's place last night, with Alexandra and a bunch of other people they both know, and we actually had a toast for it. Alexandra's got the whole crew assembled, we've pretty much decided on three out of five actors, all the locations are more or less found. I've made a storyboard. Yep, things are looking up. 

On the economical front, not so much, though. But I'll worry about that tomorrow. Today, it's all about Varma mackor.

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