Thursday, April 07, 2011

wind in the willows

It's a storm outside. But I defy the weather, I have things to do. I've been running errands all day, all over Stockholm. I just came from a women's clinic downtown where I was getting the birth control thingy out of my arm, and she got the first one out (there's two of them, they look like little rubber sticks, placed like a V under the skin) but the second one was stuck, so she got a colleague to come assist her and they were cutting and pulling but the thing just wouldn't come out -- so it's still in there. I'm going back in a week to give it another go.. Now I'm at the police station in Solna to apply for a new passport and ID. I'm exhausted just from running around, and my arm is quite sore, making my laptop even more of a hassle to lob around.. I just want to go home and relax with some miso, but I have to go to the library next. Things to do, things to do, you can rest when you're dead, away with you!

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