Monday, April 18, 2011


I'm sitting on the bus home, waiting for Ana to call me back. Besides the callback audition I've just been to, I haven't done anything useful today. Just watched Big Fish and the X-files episode Bad Blood. I was going to go get the second birth control thingy out of my arm this morning but I cancelled my appointment since the pharmacies had closed by the time I got back to Stockholm yesterday and wouldn't have opened in time for my appointment, especially since the ointment that numbs your skin is supposed to be applied at least two hours before you start slicing-and-dicing if it's going to have any effect. Also, I was really tired. I had another audition last night and got back and into bed quite late. Blogging just isn't the same when you're typing on a phone... I have mixed feelings about tonight's audition. I did a lot better than last time, I was still schmacting, but not as much and I think they might genuinely like me, which means there's a slight possibility that I'll get the part... Half-nude scene and all... O.O

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