Monday, October 10, 2005

hungover and lost

Friday, after having been at CFL in the day and experienced Bengt for myself and concluded that Yes, he really is great... and so, No, the course will not have been a complete waste of time... - me, Fredde and Tessan went for a coffee afterwards.

Then I went home only to return later in the evening. We all gathered at Fredde's and watched National Treasure. Then we smoked on Tessan's waterpipe ('s that its name? you know, big vase-looking thing with a hose-like device which you suck on to inhale the smoke from the tabacco on top? Often used to smoke heavier stuff, but - and I want to point this out clearly to avoid awkward misunderstandings: we did not. Just regular tabacco - with melon flavour and all! ::grins::)

Jenz dropped by, just arrived from the military base-place, and he'd come directly to Fredde's so he hadn't had a chance to change into his regular clothes... which we obviously prevented him from doing once he got there, as well!... we all smoked and watched "Happy Tree Friends" on the internet, and then we all got restless and decided to head downtown for a bit... The main street was crowded with drunk teenagers, which was rather amusing to watch for a while, but then became quite tiresome, so we headed back to Fredde's again.

I took the night bus to Ljusne, and when I got home I fell asleep once my head hit the pillow. When I woke up the next day, I wrote this poem.

{ 3 o'clock last night. }

The night was beautiful in its
swirling inconsequence to
the population of bodies asleep
I was steady in my walk, yet
I tumbled slightly once in a while
due to the bleak darkness surrounding me
I tried snapping a picture of
some golden light displayed
on the outside wall of the village church
but I was trembling from the cold
and it all ended up in a blur


Then I was walking past
the little wood next to my street
and I paused at the sight of
a common maple in the midst
of birches and willows,
Startled by the way its leaves
were hit by some sourceless light,
which made them glow
in the dark,
as dots of silvery white
beckoning me to be near them


And then I sank through the
darkness and buried myself
beneath the cool covers of
my chilled bed,
the cold around my nest
still reaching my bones,
as I fell asleep with a slight tremor
embracing me


My dreams were abstract
images of starry skies in
the middle of the day,
and I woke up sometime
in the afternoon, with a
curious feeling of
happy remorse
knocking at the inside of my chest


i.e. Saturday morning 2005.10.08 (Jenny's birthday!)

So, moving along onto Today: Saturday Me, Fredde and Tessan went to Gefle in the evening, to see Jenny obviously since it was her nineteenth birthday!

The train was an hour late because another train had hit an elk earlier and the poor thing had somehow managed to get its hoof stuck inbetween the two tracks so ours couldn't switch over to the other which lead to Gefle. They finally worked it out and we reached our destination eventually. Fredde phoned Jenny and told her to come out on the balcony, and then we sang Happy Birthday to her from he ground!

We went out to a club later on, called Aqua: it was far from crowded, the drinks were expensive and the music shitty - but we had a good enough time anyway!

Although I was stupid enough to suggest to Jenny that we ought to order Vodka/Cola's instead of beer, just for the hell of it and old times sake (cause that's pretty much the only drink we had when we were interrailing in europe) and she agreed whole-heartedly, so even though I didn't even get intoxicated last night (it was only that one drink and then a few beers - because that was enough, besides it was expensive like I said...) I had a killer hangover when I woke up this morning...

I just cannot stomach liquor! I thought (being utterly daft and all) that it was only tequila that I can't stand, but apparantly it's vodka too! (and I am so not going to try any other sort just to find out what else I can't manage... I'll stick to beer from now on if it kills me!)


And now I'm just reading fics on the LJ comunity "lost_slash" and debating with myself whether or not I should call it a night...

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